The Autonomy of Labour Law (2015, Hardcover) ebook EPUB


To what extent is labor law an autonomous field of study? This book is based upon papers written by a group of leading international scholars, delivered at a conference to observe Professor Mark Freedland's retirement from his teaching fellowship in Oxford. The chapters explore the boundaries and connections between labor law and other legal disciplines, such as: company law, competition law, contract law, and public law; labor law and legal methodologies, such as reflexive governance and comparative law; and labor law and other disciplines, such as ethics, economics, and political philosophy. In so doing, this festschrift represents a cross-section of the most sophisticated current work at the cutting edge of labor law theory. Subject: Labor Law, Discrimination Law], To what extent is labour law an autonomous field of study? This book is based upon the papers written by a group of leading international scholars on this theme, delivered at a conference to mark Professor Mark Freedland's retirement from his teaching fellowship in Oxford. The chapters explore the boundaries and connections between labour law and other legal disciplines such as company law, competition law, contract law and public law; labour law and legal methodologies such as reflexive governance and comparative law; and labour law and other disciplines such as ethics, economics and political philosophy. In so doing, it represents a cross-section of the most sophisticated current work at the cutting edge of labour law theory.

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