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As a Special Constable, Teddy Creque is the only police presence on the remote, sun-drenched island of Anegada, nestled in the heart of the British Virgin Islands. In all his years on the job, Teddy has never considered the possibility that he might have to address an actual crime on his peaceful island. That is, until he receives a hysterical call about a dead man on the beach. Indeed, Teddy is shocked to discover Paul Kelliher, a biologist who traveled to the island every winter for research, lying dead on the sands of the island's most remote beach, killed by a single shot to the head. And when the BVI's 'eoereal police'e task Teddy with informing Kelliher's nearest kin of his death, Teddy makes an even more surprising discovery: there's no record that Paul Kelliher ever existed. Suddenly Teddy's routine life is thrown into tumult as he tries to track a killer'e"against his boss's wishes'e"while balancing his complicated family life, three other jobs, and the colorfulcharacters populating the island around him. Written with a wry, witty narrative voice and a plot full of twists and turns, John Keyse-Walker's Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Award-winning debut is a pure delight.

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Customized walking tours, information on local events, and so much more.Because the region is known for its extraordinary variety of avifauna and because no other accurate modern account of its birdlife exists, this book is a landmark publication that will be widely hailed by serious birders and amateur birdwatchers alike.Chemists continue to explore new synthetic routes and alkaloid derivatives in search of drug candidates for fighting disease.A fully searchable CD-ROM version of the database also accompanies this volume., While some of the most commonly investigated e" and most notorious e" chemicals in the world are alkaloids, many modern medicines are also based on alkaloid structures.Authors Tom D’Agostino and Arlene Nicholson share over twodecades of research into the mysterious history of Rhode Island’s hauntedfactory.Victory was the last of Conrad's novels to be set in the Malay Archipelago.Technicolor! This cool compendium is full of electrifying trivia and fascinating facts about the Garden State, but now it's jam-packed with photographs and illustrations too!