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Download Photos for OS X and IOS : Take, Edit, and Share Photos in the Apple Photography Ecosystem EPUB, DJV, MOBI


For anyone who's taken photos, you know the frustration of trying to find and manage your snapshots on your iPhone, camera, or Mac. With Photos for OS X, Apple has made it possible to have at your fingertips all your photos. Photos for OS X replaces Apple's iPhoto and Aperture applications and offers users the ability to organize, view, edit, and share photos from any OS X or iOS device. In The Photos for OS X Book, bestselling author Jeff Carlson shows you how to tame your photo collection with Apple Photos for OS X app. He shows how to convert your existing iPhoto and Aperture libraries to Photos and how to import new photos from your iPhone and other sources. You'll learn how to work with photos in Apple iCloud service as well as edit images on your phone, Mac, and in the cloud. Jeff also looks at how to use third-party apps such as Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop Elements for more complex jobs. And to show off your snapshots, Jeff shows you how to share your photos through prints and photo books.Readers will learn how to: * Import photos from your iPhone and other sources * Convert existing iPhoto and Aperture libraries to Photos for OS X * Work with your photos in the iCloud Photo library * Editing photos in the Photos application * Use Lightroom Mobile, Pixelmator, Photoshop Elements for more complex editing tasks * Make prints and photo books * Organize your photos through albums, keywords, tags, collections, dates, and geotags, Our digital photos are our memories, and these days we want them wherever we are. With the Photos for OS X and Photos for iOS apps, Apple has made it possible to view, edit, organize, and share all your photos on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. In The Photos for OS X and iOS, bestselling author Jeff Carlson shows you how to tame your sprawling photo collection. He details how to convert your existing iPhoto and Aperture libraries to Photos for OS X and how to import photos from your iPhone and other sources. You'll learn how to work with photos in Apple iCloud Photo Library service as well as edit images on your phone, iPhone, or iPad-and see those edits appear on all your devices within seconds. And to show off your snapshots, Jeff shows you how to share your photos online and by making prints, photo books, calendars, and other projects. You will learn how to... Import photos from your iPhone and other sources, Convert existing iPhoto and Aperture libraries to Photos for OS X, Work with your photos on all devices using iCloud Photo library, Editing photos in the Photos application, Make prints, photo books, and calendars, Quickly find your photos by organizing them using albums, smart albums, keywords, and geotags Book jacket.

Photos for OS X and IOS : Take, Edit, and Share Photos in the Apple Photography Ecosystem by Jeff Carlson MOBI download ebook