Sir Charles Grandison by Jane Austen book DJV, TXT, DOC
9780198126379 English 0198126379 First published in 1980 following the discovery of the manuscript, this is the complete text of the only surviving attempt by Jane Austen to write a full-length play. Sir Charles Grandison is a light-hearted dramatization of scenes from Samuel Richardson's novel, The History of Sir CharlesGrandison. Edited and annotated by respected Austen scholar Brian Southam, it also includes a foreword by Lord David Cecil.
9780198126379 English 0198126379 First published in 1980 following the discovery of the manuscript, this is the complete text of the only surviving attempt by Jane Austen to write a full-length play. Sir Charles Grandison is a light-hearted dramatization of scenes from Samuel Richardson's novel, The History of Sir CharlesGrandison. Edited and annotated by respected Austen scholar Brian Southam, it also includes a foreword by Lord David Cecil.