Read book Digital Field Guide: Nikon Creative Lighting System 239 MOBI


Detailed coverage of the three high-end speedlights builtexclusively for new Nikon SLRs Nikon speedlights put creative control of flash at thephotographer's command, and with Nikon's Creative Lighting System,flash control is practically intuitive and possibilities areseemingly endless. However, setting up, synchronizing theequipment, and determining lighting ratios can be a daunting task.This new edition of a bestseller puts your mind at ease in aflash. Award-winning photographer Benjamin Edwards begins with thebasics and demystifies the complexities of using multiplespeedlights, adjusting flash outputs, and setting up a wirelessstudio in an understandable, approachable way. Teaches you how to fill in shadows, reveal detail, and add asense of motion or visual effects to your images, all withautomatic ease and total wireless control Includes coverage of other Creative Lighting System componentssuch as Nikon's wireless commander and macro speedlights Explores the basic functions of the SB-910, continues with theSB-700 and the similar, but less expensive, SB-600 Boasts unique, detailed advice on lighting specific subjects:weddings, pets, product shots, corporate locations, portraits,large groups, sports, and much more While the Nikon Creative Lighting System speedlights are likehaving a low cost, wireless, studio lighting system that's portableenough to fit in a camera bag, this invaluable guide does fit inyour camera bag and goes where you go to help you take control ofthis amazing lighting system., Expand your creativity with the Nikon Creative Lighting System, Expand your creativity with the Nikon Creative Lighting System With the latest version of the Nikon Creative Lighting System, you can take control of light like never before. This hands-on guide will help you master not only the basics, but also workarounds, customized lighting solutions, and creative lighting techniques that will take your photography to a new level. Get specific tips for common shooting situations, and take full advantage of the Nikon CLS. Explore the different types of Speedlights and how each one works Get familiar with standard and custom functions and settings Set up a wireless studio that you can take anywhere Learn to direct, shape, and modify light from the camera position Master advanced techniques for action, night, portrait, product, and wedding photography Benjamin Edwards is a professional wedding, portrait, and humanitarian photographer who, along with his wife Lauren, owns and operates Benjamin Edwards Photography. Inspired by Kevin Kubota, he contributed behind the scenes to Kevin Kubota's Lighting Notebook 101 Lighting Styles and Setups for Digital Photographers, also published by Wiley. Inside - your free gray and color checker card to help you achieve accurate white balance and color Book jacket., Expert advice and full-color photos help you get the most out of your Nikon D5100 As a high-end entry-level DSLR camera, the Nikon D5100 offers full HDR capability as well as new and creative options. This handy, portable guide walks you through how to make the most of the D5100's enhanced night vision shooting, automatic HDR system, and enhanced audio capability. Veteran digital photographer and author J. Dennis Thomas shows you how to capture everything from amazing still photos to cinematic-quality movies with the new 1080p HD video. Walks you through the essential controls, features, and functions using step-by-step instructions Features inspiring full-color photos as well as helpful full-color images of each menu screen Teaches you how to adjust white balance, autofocus, exposure, and choose various lenses and then goes on to explain when and why to adjust each of these settings Includes amazing examples and shares tips and tricks to capturing portraits, candids, sports, travel, macro photography, and more Serves as a refresher guide to the principles of digital photography by covering the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure Includes a free gray/color checker card helps you achieve accurate white balance and color in all your photographs If you're ready to go beyond the basics with your Nikon D5100, then this book is just what you need in order to produce amazing photos., The creative lighting possibilities using Nikon SB-900, SB-700, SB-600, SB-400, SB-R200, R1C1 Wireless close-up and R1 Wireless close-up systems are endless: automatic balanced fill-flash, repeating flash, slow shutter effects. And, don't forget the professional results one can get using multiple speedlights. Nikon calls this their Creative Lighting System, and it's like having a low cost, wireless, studio lighting system that's portable enough to fit in a camera bag. The possibilities are endless yet setting up, synchronizing the equipment, and determining lighting ratios can be a daunting task. That's where the Nikon Creative Lighting System Digital Field Guide, Third Edition comes in. Coverage begins with the basic functions of the SB-900, continues with the SB-700 and the similar, but less expensive, SB-600. Later the author demystifies the complexities of using multiple speedlights, adjusting flash outputs, and setting up a wireless studio. This book includes coverage of other Creative Lighting System components such as Nikon's wireless commander and macro speedlights. Best of all, it is also full of unique, detailed advice on lighting specific subjects: weddings, nature and wildlife, product shots, corporate locations, portraits, large groups, architecture, sports, and much more!

J. Dennis Thomas - Digital Field Guide: Nikon Creative Lighting System 239 read FB2, DOC, MOBI